Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Working paper series "Civil Society and Local Democracy"

This online working paper series offers an opportunity to include Japan into the domestic debate on civil society and local democracy and to broaden the research focus beyond European states. The series provides a forum to discuss (preliminary) results of implicite and explicite comparative research about the extensive object of analysis "civil society" and "local democracy". At the same time it has to be understood as a new approach: experts of the Martin-Luther-University engaged in different disciplines like political science, Japanese studies, and science of history etc. meet with researchers from Japan and other contries to disseminate and to document results of their work.

The working papers are also available as print version. Please contact the .

New Publication


Articles year 2009

Articles year 2008

Foljanty-Jost, Gesine; Aoki, Mai: 10 Jahre Nonprofits in Japan - Diversifizierung des Dritten Sektors durch Recht. Working Papers of the Institute of Political Science and Japanese Studies, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Vol. 5 08/2008.

Schriftenreihe_Nr5_Onlineausgabe.pdf (408.9 KB)  vom 03.09.2008

Oguma, Eiji: Der Auftritt des Bürgers in Japan. (Aus dem Japanischen von Marianne Sydow, Norbert Baumann, Florian Becker und Anika Wessel). Working Papers of the Institute of Political Science and Japanes Studies, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Vol. 6 08/2008

Schriftenreihe_Nr6_Onlineausgabe.pdf (410.8 KB)  vom 03.09.2008

Articles year 2006

Foljanty-Jost, Gesine; Haufe, Karoline: Bürgerliche Gesellschaft versus Zivilgesellschaft - die neuere Debatte in Japan. In: Haak, René (ed).: Japanstudien 18. Arbeitswelten in Japan. München: iudicium Verlag 2006, page 247-269.

Foljanty-Jost, Gesine; Schmidt, Carmen: Local level political and institutional changes in Japan: An end to political alienation? In: Asia Europe Journal. Vol. 4, No. 3 2006, page 381-397. download   

Foljanty-Jost, Gesine: Strukturwandel des politischen Systems in Japan: Dezentralisierung und die neue Bedeutung der Kommunen. In: Pohl, Manfred und Wieczorek, Iris (ed). Japan 2006 - Politik und Wirtschaft. Hamburg: IFA 2006, page 43-60.
